Blog Week 23 – Retrospecticus

MKMMA brought us so much wonderful information and it was up to us to do the work on ourselves. What I discovered for myself after these six-months is:

That I have great ideas and now I have the confidence to act on those ideas.  My whole life I was always afraid and now it’s A-MAZ-ING: I do not have that fear anymore!

I also discovered HOW to create my life and the magic formula is: persistence and practice, persistently practicing, and practice persistently.  Professional athletes still practice persistently every day to be at their best.  Professional dancers are persistently practicing to get those movements down perfectly.  We need to persistently practice tuning into ourselves and finding our bliss.  We have to practice ‘happiness’ persistently and allow the universe to work through us.  You practice being in the best receptive mode you can be and persistently know life is unfolding perfectly.

We have to find our happiness in who we are now and where we are now, because dreams will come and go, and goals will be reached, but it’s never over.  If your happiness is based on:  the deal closing, the better job, or getting the bigger house; when you reach those things there will always be: a bigger deal, a better job, and a bigger house.  That’s not to say, don’t go after those – they are the trophies to collect as your rewards, but don’t make it about the trophies; its all about the journey and feeling good is the work.

Know that we are not in a race or competition with one another.  I can’t compare myself to anyone because I am not them; my experiences are my alone, as yours are yours.  We are all brothers and sisters; we are not each other’s clones.  But just because we are on individual paths, it doesn’t mean we are alone.  We are all in this together; and when we rescue ourselves, we rescue many.  When we find our joy, we lift the hearts of many.  When we reach our dreams, we inspire others to reach theirs.

Be the observer of yourself and watch yourself learn. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day we are creating our very existence.  If you want more – persistently practice giving more. You want more kindness in your life – practice being more kind.  You want more joy in your life – practice laughing at yourself more.

Celebrate your successes and your failures, because everything is experience to behold.  Allow yourself to do the things you love.  It may take time to get from where you are to where you want to be, but every inkling in the direction of your dreams counts.  Every time you listen to your heart, you develop the interconnection with yourself.  Every time you look for the silver lining, more silver linings will come.  Every moment of bliss you feel will bring more feelings of bliss.

One of the last lessons I ‘got’ from class is based on what Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  And what I realized is: it’s the same belief; just two sides of the same coin.  It takes the same amount of energy to believe nothing is a miracle as it does to believe everything in the miracle.  Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you are right.”  It’s the same belief to think you can’t do something as to think that you can.  You just have to choose heads or tails. Which side do you want to bet on?

I choose to bet on myself.  I choose to believe I am a miracle. I choose to know I am in alignment with the joyful life. I persistently practice to bask in the deliciousness of this moment. I am allowing myself to breathe deeply. I am allowing myself to feel light.   I allow myself to delight in beautiful melodies. I take time to appreciate the dawn. I take time to practice feeling twirly.   I hold my own keys to my happiness.  I live in the natural flow of life.  I know that everything is as it should be.  I know everything is always working out for me.


Life is in the laughter.

Growth is in the pain.

Joy is in each moment.

Hope is dancing in the rain.

Harmony is in the silence.

Love is in the eyes.

Following your heart is happiness.

Fulfillment is being the miracle of our own lives.

Week 22A – Reflecting in the Moment

Letting myself be ‘all that I am’ means embracing all that I am.  We all have light and dark in us; we all have good and bad.  Knowing yourself is knowing when to let the badass out to play and when to let your soft light shine.

This human experience is like being in the trenches – it’s dirty, it’s gritty, and stinky – and sometimes you need to be a little hard to get through whatever obstacles get in your way.  But you can’t always be hard, for then your life will be hard.  You can’t always be soft otherwise you could get trampled and walked over.

Being in alignment with your highest and best self doesn’t mean always being nice.  Most of us are living regular lives: going to work, sitting in traffic, doing dishes. We all think that the grass will be greener “once we get: the job; the girl; the money; the body.”  But in the meantime, life is happening.

Life is constantly moving, changing, adjusting.  Are we?  Am I moving with the current or am I a rock in the stream holding onto something I think will make me happy – an idea that’s not mine; an image of someone else’s vision?  Whose life am I living?  How did I get here?

More importantly – the question to ask yourself now is – “How can I get to where I want to go?”  No one can hold you where you don’t want to be; you are there because you’re holding yourself there.  You have to be the one who lets go.  The stream will take you where you want to be, but you have to allow it and yourself flow.

You won’t be the same person you are now.  You have to let that person go.  You have to know who you want to be and where you want to go. The stream will take you wherever you tell it.  It’s best to let your heart decide; it knows the way.  It knows what you hold deep in your soul.  The treasured secret you hold is the key to your success; it’s the key to your enlightenment.  You need to be brave, you need to be strong, but you also need to be loving and tender.  You need your feminine and masculine; you need your light and your dark side.

When you embrace all facets of your persona you will realize that you have no end; no edges; no limitations.  A being beyond anything you can fathom.  Creation is your gift; it is your talent.  You can move mountains.  Feel the power in the faith of a mustard seed.  See time in a grain of sand.  Joy and joyousness are the key factors; take joy in everything you do.  Feel proud of your accomplishments.  Take pride in your work.  Enjoy every day.  Develop your connection to your source.  You can do no wrong.

It’s about experiencing tactile life:  Blessing all you do.  Loving all you can.  Finding things that you like to do.  Sharing in the sacred space of life.  Being moved to tears.  Filling up with peace, love, and joy.  Knowing that you are worthy – knowing that your desires are yours to have and you deserve all the best things in life.  Having fun with all this.  Playing in the journey. Delighting in the stream.

Finding peace, love, and joy:

Peace – knowing that all is good and being taking care of.  Knowing you are protected by Divine Love.  Knowing you can be, do, and have all that you want.  Knowing that you are supported, guided, and carried.  Knowing that you are never alone and you shall not want for anything.

Love – blessed be the children of the most high God.  All are but pieces of the One.  Everything is connected.  Everything is “All that is” and “All that is” is everything and everyone.  Blessed be the neighbor, brother, sister, mother, father, and friend.  Blessed be the man in the moon and the stranger on the street.  Blessed be all that share in this time space and walk beside you.  Blessed are the critters, the leaves, the air, and atoms.  Blessed are the particles of light that hold it all together and permeate throughout. Blessed be the breath we take and the air that fills our lungs.  Blessed be the life we take in and the things we breathe life into.

Joy – joy is knowing that this is fun.  Having fun playing with the butterflies.  Having fun frolicking in the oceans, lakes, and streams.  Having fun delighting in the sun’s warmth and staring at the twinkling stars.  Let joy fill your heart with laughter and know that everything is for fun – for the sheer pleasure of the experience.  For the wonderment.  Be the observer and delightfully watch the grace of existence.  Watch the ebb and flow.  Watch the bees do their job to make fields flowers for us to behold.  Why else would there be flowers – they are there for our pleasure – to witness, to smell, to lose ourselves in.  Take joy in noticing the beauty that surrounds you – in the swirl of the galaxy; in the swirl of a sunflower; in the swirl of an ice cream cone.

This moment is all we have. It is our gift from our Creator – it is our present.


Week 22 – A Poem

I stand on the edge of a great precipice.

I anticipate the change.

I can feel it coming.

It’s cascading in the corner of space.

I want to be a part of it.

But I stand a part from it.

Do I have the strength and courage to do what I desire?

What is the part that I am to play?


I stand on the precipice.

I can hear change calling my name.

I hold my breath.

Am I too afraid or am I just stubborn?

How do I shed the years of the past?

How do I hold the future?

There is no time like the present.

There is no time at all,

Only thoughts of it.


If I go down the rabbit hole, will I ever come back?

If I follow my heart, where does that leave my head?

Do I have the energy to be different than I am?

I am tired of being torn.

The life I want seems a lifetime away.

The life I have seems to be someone else’s.

How to bridge the gap?

How to take flight and not look down?


I stand of the edge of change.

I can see the change happening.

Like a wave cresting.

Will we all be crushed by its power?

I want to ride the wave.

I want to stand on top of it.

I want to be set free.


I stand on the precipice of change.

Its power is what people fear.

It’s not bad but it is strong and no one knows how to handle it.

We have a few warriors, and a few wisemen.

But they are being drowned out

By those who use the fear for their own power.

They try to scare us more.

The people listen.


I know what they say is wrong,

But even I get sucked into their lies.

I feel strapped down.

I have so many to carry,

and I am so new to this.


I stand on the edge of the precipice.

I feel I am a part of the change,

Yet I can’t quite make it.

I have no energy left.

I am still stuck at the bottom.

Who can I trust?

Is there anyone who can help me?


I can feel the change coming.

I am thrilled and excited.

But my excitement only makes me tired.

I struggle within myself.

How to throw it all to the wind,

When it feels like boulders.


I stand on the edge.

I can see those who made it before me.

I want to follow their lead,

but I feel so far behind.

Do I have anything to offer?

I look over the edge,

I breathe it all in.

How far is it?


I feel so heavy.

I’ll never it make it across.

Am I to be left behind?

What is this that holds me down?

What shackles me?

Are there weights on my ankles?


I stand on the edge.

I am ready to fly.

I am not afraid.

It is time.

I have plenty of time.


I feel the winds of change.

They tousle my hair.

I know that I am still resistant.

Why am I still resistant?


I want to take flight.

I want to soar.


I look out over the edge.

My stomach flutters.

In front of me, the others that made it

are happy, laughing, and free.

Behind me, the ones not ready

are sad, scared, and miserable.

They are worn down and down trodden.


I stand on the precipice,

and kick off my shoes.

I stretch out my arms.

The wind blows at my back.

I am willing to flow with the winds,

but I don’t know how.

Is the wind strong enough to lift me,

or will I plummet?

The heart is willing but the body is solid.

The head doubts I can fly.

I feel dizzy and weak.


I stand on the edge of change.

I don’t want to go back.

I want to go forward.

My feet are starting to take root into the ground.

I struggle to pull them free.


An eagle soars overhead,

and calls out to me.

I can only imagine falling.

It is this doubt and fear that holds me down.

I see the clear blue sky.

I smell the clean fresh air.

I want to take the giant leap over the edge

and soar into the clouds,

but I can only think about the fall.


I stand at the precipice.

I see the others on the other side,

so happy and blissful.

How do you cross over when you feel like

there’s still obligations on this side?

I feel I should go back

and help those behind.

But I know the best thing to do

would be to show them I can fly and they can too.


I stand at the precipice of change.

And I am scared.

Of what, I do not know.

How can you be scared of freedom, peace and joy?

I try to get a running start.

My doubts and fears create roots and vines that ensnare me.

I lose my balance and my nerve.

I tumble to the ground.


I sit at the edge of the precipice.

I am wounded and dirty from my fall.

I know that I don’t want to give up.

I am too scare to try again.

I dangle my feet over the side.

I close my eyes.


I sit on the edge of a great precipice.

I anticipate the change.

I can feel it coming.

I want to be a part of it.

Week 21 – And the Walls Come Tumbling Down

This has been a fun and amazing week!  I have realized that my feelings of unworthiness, which have debilitated me most of my life, have stemmed from me trying to ‘live someone else’s life.’  And as I look back (as the observer) that makes no sense – LOL!  But I had put the cart before the horse and I had been living within the confines of other people’s limitations.  I have big dreams and big goals and a fabulously fun life of travel and adventure ahead of me; and now I am embracing IT and ALL of me!

I feel elated and twirly.  I feel creative and fun.  I feel connected and joyous.  I feel like I have just strapped into the roller coaster seat and I’m no longer just standing in line.  The butterflies of anticipation are fluttering rampant in my belly and we’re just about ready to take off.  Here we go – lets enjoy the ride!

I always had a five year plan, but it stayed at 5 years even though 10 years have passed.   But now, my horse is pulling the cart, I’m all hitched up, and I’m heading the right direction.  I still have my 5 year plan, and now it includes focusing on my PPN’s, which are Spiritual Growth and True Health, and the baby steps necessary to get there.  More importantly, I know that I’m in alignment with my highest and best self, I am focused on feeling good, and I know that I am worthy of the life I desire.

By working on smashing through my abundance blocks I feel like the flood gates have been opened.  I feel the abundance rushing in.  It feels like a domino effect, but even bigger than that – it feels like a tidal wave has just washed away stone block walls that kept me bound.  I feel more open and connected. And it’s not just me – hubby is feeling it too!  And we feel even more in-sync (didn’t think that was possible) and even more in-love (really didn’t think that was possible!) and more open and more receptive!  We are having fun creating our space, planning vacations, and preparing for our move to Scotland!

And I may not reach my goals in 5 years, or ever, but at least I’m going to stay true to all of me, dream as big as I can, and enjoy every step of the way, living a life of “Tranquil Luxury” with my beloved husband by my side, doing what we love!

I am living my highest and best life.  I wonder how far I can go.  I am unlimited.


Week 20 – Knocking down Abundance Blocks

Christie Marie Sheldon is an energy intuitive that focuses on abundance and abundance blocks.  This week I used one of her mediations I found on Youtube that helps you get to the root cause of how you feel about money and abundance and where and when those roots were planted.

As Christie Marie guides you through a meditation, she takes you back to your first impressions about money, and what feelings your parents had about it.  My blocks were pretty interesting. I felt my mother was frugal with money, things were tight; but she made it a game.  If it didn’t fit in the budget she would simple say “oh, we don’t need that.” She liked to see how far she could stretch her dollar and she still is like this, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise to me. I did find it curious though that I stored this energy in my throat.

Next we went on to my father’s feelings.  In a mediation I had done at a different time, I discovered that when I came along, dad was scared about not having enough money for me.  I later confirmed that with my brother.  This time I was sort of expecting to feel that. Instead what I felt was that dad’s feelings were that the only way to get money was to ‘lie, cheat, and steal’.  (While he was growing up his family was always moving out in the middle of the night to avoid being evicted.) He did a real estate during my youth –  also known as a ‘real esnake’.

So, we have mom always saying “oh, you don’t need that” (which is admittedly better than ‘we can’t afford that’) however it played out in my life as “Oh I don’t need what I want.”  Then you pair that with dad and my abundance root is labeled:  ‘There’s not enough money for me to get what I want.’  Add to that low self-esteem, guilt, and shame making the feeling of my abundance block: “I’m a bad person and don’t deserve what I want.”

What’s been remarkable about MK is that I’ve become more of the observer of myself and I am able to see all of these blocks and I’m having fun realizing them and working on smashing them.

I have been working on my ‘Zen Office’ since we starting MK, but had intentions to work on it for many months before that. I was proud of myself for even designating a room for myself and filling it with all the things that are me.  But like “me” I keep burying it under a bunch of junk and keep saying “I’ll get to it later.”  Last week (read Week 19 blog) I encouraged hubby to hang his posters and create his office filled with all the things that are him.  We did those pictures for a couple hundred bucks, and that started him on pictures for the other wall which was another hundred.  Then I innocently mentioned a faux guitar that I saw at Hobby Lobby for $35 bucks, which I thought was waaaay too expensive for a tin guitar but he used to play back in the day at the Whisky-Ago-Go in LA, so I thought it would have been an homage and cute accent piece.  Well, Mr. No Blocks is now bidding on a $400 guitar on ebay while I’m doing my best MacGyver impersonation making furniture out of old rubber bands, used socks, and toilet paper tubes wondering why I’m not getting the tranquil spa feeling I’m searching for! LOL (And for the record, he has always, always, encouraged and pushed me to get what I want so it’s not about that at all – what it’s about is me not feeling like I deserve what I want.)  This is fun, now I can see how blocked I’ve been and how I got there.  And I see him so excited about something so we’ve opened one of his blocks as well!

How exciting and fascinating to see my DMP coming to fruition and my walls dissolving! We’ve had always talked about moving to Scotland, which is on my DMP, and now we’ve decided that we are going to move in 2 years. With 2 people working towards the same goal, I know we’ll be there in no time! So besides my current job being nowhere near what I want to be doing; at least I can feel the tide changing, my icebergs are moving in the right direction, and my abundance blocks are dissipating.

Here is the link to Christie Marie Sheldon’s meditation if you are interested in learning more about your abundance blocks.


Week 19 – To Be or Not to Be

I was with a friend the other day and she was explaining an issue she and her boyfriend were experiencing.  I shared, speaking from almost 17 years of marriage and getting married at the relatively early age of 23, that I think communication is what is needed in a successful relationship.  But it’s not the communication we’ve all heard about where you’re told to share your feelings, which usually goes something like: “You make me sad, you need to change”.  Then, they say you have to make it personal, use “I”.  “Okay I can’t stand you.  I need you to change.”  And that doesn’t just go for romantic relationships but all of our interactions with friends, bosses, people in the grocery store, and people in traffic – “I need you to change in order for me to be happy.”

But it’s not like that at all.  You are the only variable in your life – you are the only thing that you can change.  “Oh, so I have to change? I have to give up who I am?  I have to become something I’m not?”  Well no, but if your happiness is dependent upon other people changing, then you’re in trouble.  You do need to realize that you’re going to get back from the universe an exact reflection of what you’re putting out there, so if you don’t like what’s coming back to you, then maybe you need not to be so rigid about changing. Nevertheless it’s not just about changing; it’s about discovering who you are, why you are the way you are, why you feel the way you feel, and then being able to share that with people, especially in romantic relationships.  The communication I’m speaking of is more like: “Woo hoo, I discovered I have a wall!  Will you help me climb it, knock it down, and watch it dissipate together?”

I always like to say when you’re with the right person, you have half the problems and twice the joy.  The right partner is strong when you feel weak.  The right partner is extra shoulders to share the load; additional hands for applauding accomplishments; and more arms to embrace life.  The right relationship is a beautiful dance, I stepped back, you step forward; I step right, you step left, we are side by side, step by step, we accentuate each other’s strengths and we bridge each other’s weaknesses.

It’s about compromise but not in the way compromise has become to be known.  It’s about working together to make sure each one of you gets what they want.  For example, my husband has hair metal band posters.  Previously he shared we me that when he was young his mother would come in his room and tear down all of his posters, even if they were on the back of his door or were hidden inside the closet.  And so I had these huge 3’ x 3’ frames that I thought were really cool, but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, and then it occurred to me, he just bought some new posters that are curled up in a tube in the closet.  While they’re not necessarily my taste, I want him to feel he is king of his castle, and I want him to encourage him to have what he wants.  So we had them professionally matted and backed, and we hung them in the frames.  Now I get to see my cool frames and he gets to see his posters.  (After he hung them up on the wall, he gave me a “f**k yeah!” which of course made my heart sing.)  Added bonus, I get to see that twinkle in his eye and a childlike grin and he can feel validation of his tastes and interests.  Of course, I’m sure if you ask him, he’ll tell you that it’s not as deep as all that; and I didn’t plan to make this whole big experience happen and discuss it as a profound life altering event. It went more like: “Hey, let’s use those frames for your posters.”  “Cool.”  Still though it is fun to watch how the process unfolded as it is because of our mutual love and respect for each other.  When you love someone and hear what they tell you, and something like this happens, I know that twinkle in his eye is much deeper than just posters on the wall.

And I can see how MKMMA is doing that for each of us taking this course.  Mark J, Davene, and the rest of the team, always say ‘Just love man;’ ‘We send you love’.  And that is what they are offering us – unconditional love to find our dreams.  They don’t judge our dreams.  They are just offering us a shoulder to cry on, extra legs to stand on, extra hands for applying ourselves, and a kick in the bum if we need that too, “It’s time to put on our big boy and girl pants.”  They are putting their hearts and souls into helping us find our dreams and goals, and then showing us practical applications for getting from here to there.  And they’re not just talking the talk – they’re walking the walk right with us.  They have attained some dreams, and have included us in their future goals using the same steps/techniques that we are using.  They are doing it right with us, not just teaching it to us.

Because of this course I have witnessed a lot of my invisible walls disappear-

Turns out I was a little more stubborn than I thought.  Turns out I have a lot more courage than I thought.  Turns out it feels good to share my dreams.  Turns out big goals are easily done when you take small baby steps.  It turns out, I have a bigger support system than I ever imagined, (with those of you reading this – thank you).

And as it turned out there is really only one decision we have to make, and that is “To Be Happy or Not To Be Happy.”  Once we choose to be happy – with who we are right now; with where we are right now; and with everything we have right now; then fulfilling our dreams becomes just icing on the cake.

Week 18: Breaking Glass Ceilings

So, I have embraced my HULK self and my Superman self from last week’s discovery and I’ve been having fun with them.

This week I’ve discovered and broke through another one of the imaginary limitations I had set up for myself.  I had a Wal-Mart mentality.  Turns out, there are more options out there than just Wal-Mart.  Who knew, right? HULK SMASH!

In an interview with Paris Hilton a few years back, she was asked if she shopped at Wal-Mart.  “What’s Wal-Mart, do they like make walls there or something?” She and her answer were of course ripped apart and criticized for being daft and out of touch with reality.  Now, I don’t know Paris, but if her answer was genuine, it doesn’t show how dumb she is – it shows how she’s on a completely different level than most of us.  It also proves that there are different prospectives and levels out there – as in, Wal-Mart was nowhere near being on her radar level.

So this week we were to ask ourselves: “What would the person I intend to become do next?” I get why that’s a great question. We have to teach ourselves to live on that next level, and see through the eyes of that person we want to be.  To think and be how we intend to be so we can change who we are into the person we want to be.  And when you ask yourself “What would the person I intend to become do next?” sometimes the answer is simpler then we expect it to be.  When something is the next logical step, it doesn’t take a lot of strength or will power to take it. If you feel there is angst or a lot of effort, the answer is clear; you’re not quite ready to take that step.  Or maybe that step is too big.  Try taking a smaller step, then another smaller one – 3 small steps can equal 1 large one and those 3 were easy rather than a struggle.

The important part is to realize and celebrate the small steps just as much as the big steps.  Another glass ceiling over my head- I always look at the end-end goal and forget about all the accomplished goals to get there.  As in my Ph.D. that I’m working towards; I forget that I did earn my bachelors and master’s degrees already.  And that’s pretty cool!  But I tell myself – I haven’t got the Ph.D. yet, the race isn’t over yet; blah, blah, blah.  I need to acknowledge what I have already done.  Ph.D. is the end-end goal but I have taken many, many, small steps and achieved other goals to get me this close to it.  And somehow we’ve shammed giving accolades. It’s not P.C. to congratulate yourself on reaching and attaining your goals.  Or is that just another glass ceiling I’ve built overhead? Let’s get rid of that one too! There is a difference between being a boastful jerk and being happy for yourself. HULK SMASH!

I can see how our little accomplishment cards are helping to reprogram ourselves.  I need to celebrate my successes, no matter the size.  Because if you don’t, then you’re just teaching yourself it doesn’t matter-you don’t matter.  HULK SMASH!

This class uses the monkey and the banana in the jar example of us keeping ourselves from who we really are and what we want.  Abraham-Hicks’s example is that we are all corks and if we just let go of whatever is dragging us down, we’ll easily bob back up to the surface. (And the typical thing we’ve been taught to do is analyze what’s holding us down.  Let’s go to therapy to talk about it over and over.  “Let’s go deeper back into your childhood and really focus intently on your problems.”  And so then, what’s the focus? Problems!)  Now we have a ‘War on Drugs’ = focus: drugs.  We have a ‘War on Terrorism’ = focus: terrorism.  Mother Theresa said “I will never go to your war rally, but I will go to your peace rally.”

Just like Trish’s realization – “instead of helping people with depression, I’m teaching happiness.” She shifted her focus from depression to happiness!  BOOM – banana dropped! Cork bobbing on the surface (and floating gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily; Life is but a dream!)

We all have the life we are allowing ourselves to have.

We have the love life we are allowing.

We have the careers we are allowing.

We have the money we are allowing.

Abraham-Hicks says that we’re all supposed to have private jets and mansions; deep, meaningful, and loving relationships; all the money we can spend; wonderful fulfilling careers; everything; whatever we desire; we are supposed to have all the best (it is God’s promise to us: ‘Ask and ye shall receive’).

Maybe it’s not so much “what would the person I intend to become do next; it’s “I am the person I intend to become, what shall I do next to allow myself more fully?”

Here’s something that came to me during a sit:

“There are no keys; because there is no door.

There are no windows; because there are no walls.

You can’t not be in the kingdom of heaven.

You just have to know you’re already there.”

Week 17a – What am I pretending not to know?


This question was posed to us this week – and my most honest answer has to be, that I’m hiding myself because I am afraid of my power.

I have a little anger inside, what if that comes out and I go “HULK” wreaking havoc on everything and everyone?  Actually, what happens when I let myself feel the anger is, I don’t so much feel angry; what I do feel is this massive surge of strength and power! I feel so strong and like I’m 10 feet tall! But what do I do with power that – lift cars?

Strength and power seem useless unless you know what to do with them, and I guess right now I don’t know. So I just stay Bruce Banner and keep the Hulk repressed.  If I stay complacent and content, and keep Hulkey suppressed (a batch of cookie dough works wonders) then everything will stay just as it is = nice and boring…..

BUT I DO want to take the Hero’s Journey!  I DO want life and adventure!

(This is where I usually start singing Beauty & the Beast lyrics: “I want much more than this provincial life. I want adventure in the great wild somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.”)

My DMP and Press Release speak of someone in love with Life! Someone in love with the world and full of whimsy and freedom!  And while I sort of feel that way, I’m doing so from the comforts of being chained in my basement.

I read and re-read every day with enthusiasm and excitement; with joyful tears in my eyes and passion exploding in my heart.  But then, I put it all away and crawl back into my ‘real life’ and focus on the menial task at hand.  My days are long and pointless; by the time I get home I have just enough energy to make dinner, squeak out my final DMP reads, and fall asleep dreaming of the day when me and hubby can shed our shackles and sail our catamaran off into the sunset.

So, what is it I’m pretending not to know?

That I’m still holding myself back from going from here to there.  But I don’t know WHY!

What am I’m pretending not to know?!

Why would I be holding myself back?  What am I holding back?

But maybe that’s the whole deal.  The focus of that is still: “holding back”.  Law of growth – keeps my holding back.  So I just need to keep reminding myself “there’s nothing holding me back!  I am UNLIMITED!”

I do have strength and power and if the only thing I can do with it right now is lift cars, then I guess that’s what I’ll start doing! Because as we practice and develop; focus and concentrate; we change from hoping to believing to knowing.  And once we KNOW, once we accept that we are strong and powerful and meant to do great things, that is when the universe can finally start moving mountains and working through us.

So, what I have been thinking is that I’m Bruce Banner walking on eggshells afraid to wake the Hulk; but, what if… what if I’m really Superman hiding behind Clark Kent?

I believe that all of us in this Master Keys class are Clark Kents. This MKMMA course is us going to our fortress of solitude to discover who we really are and where we really came from.

We are on this earth, we are not of it

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

We are on the leading edge of discovering ourselves and all that we are capable of.  But first we have to take of the cheesy suit and glasses to expose our hearts and Know who we really are!!


Week 17 – Persistence = Be a Winner at the Game of Life!

This week my focus was on Persistence and I have found myself being more persistent by incorporating more of the readings/services/etc. into a normal routine.

What I also have noticed is how LITERAL this Law of Growth/Law of Attraction is!

For example, the past couple weeks, I’ve been struggling with how to deal with my current job.  I’ve been seriously thinking about asking for a raise. And I have found myself struggling and feeling so serious about everything else.   I have felt down and depressed.

Then I remembered – the Law of Substitution: we cannot think about 2 things at the same time.  If a negative thought enters your mind try to think of God or other pleasant thought.  Abraham-Hicks says you have 2 ways of looking at everything: you can look at in a way that pleases you or you can look at it in a way that displeases you.  Meaning you can look at something and be hopeful or you can look at something and be upset.

So I decided I needed to figure out ways to have more fun, and I thought of coloring – cheap, easy, and quick. So I went to the dollar store to buy a little coloring book. Now guess what the universe keeps bringing to me – I learned one of my co-workers loves to color! Michael’s craft store is advertising adult coloring books on sale this week!  I was trying to google something and ‘downloadable color pages’ popped up! Law of Growth in action!

So along with the other list of characteristics we’re looking for, I’m going to look for FUN! I’m going to look for EXCITEMENT! I’m going to look for ENTHUSIAM! Don’t get mad at yourself for missing a reading – make it a game:  How many readings did I do this week, how many more can I do next week?   We need to make sure that when we are reading our DMP’s we are making it FUN!

Look at kids, they are in alignment with life – and they always want to play and have fun.  Then adults teach them ‘that’s not right, that’s not how life works” and suck all the fun out of life.  What if kids are right? What if that is how life works?  As Abraham Hicks says “Life is supposed to be Fun! It’s a game of alignment!”  Our Source, our inner being, wants us to have everything we desire.  Aligning yourself with your dreams is supposed to be a joy.  You decide what you want, and then you line up with it.  The older we get, the more fun we’re supposed to have.  What we experience is supposed to give us dreams. Then we’re supposed to line up with those dreams. Then we’re supposed to have bigger dreams and line up with those.

Think about who makes tons of money in the US – sports stars, move stars, singers (and their pets: did you see that Taylor Swift’s cat is worth $97 million dollars!) These are people having ‘fun’ for a living; you play games for a living; you play pretend for a living; you sing for a living; (you’re a cat for a living)!

When we “feel bad” that’s just supposed to be our indicator that we’re out of alignment with our desires.  Just like the compass we wear for MKMMA! (I actually have it on my key ring so every time I reach for my keys or am driving it’s a reminder to follow my heart.)  Our feelings are how we speak to the universe – they are the vibrations we send out that the universe matches up with. (When you have fun you’re speaking the language of the angels.  They love having fun!)  This is what the Master Key System is all about!

When we create, we are creating for everyone.  Imagine if Karl Benz didn’t dream of a powered automobile.  Imagine if Alexander Graham Bell didn’t dream of the telephone.  Imagine if Ug didn’t dream of moving out the cave!  Where would we be? Could you image what we could have as a global economy if we all manifested everything we dreamed of?  There would be no more wars, nor more conflicts, no more starving.   Our dreams are our gifts and they are our gifts to the world.  We need to dream and dream big to make a difference.

So, my new focus:

  • I wonder how much fun I can have!
  • I wonder how fun it’s going to be to line up with my dreams!
  • How fun will it be to make all our dreams come true!
  • How much fun is it getting to know myself?
  • How much fun will Hawaii be?

Then of course, we have to bring it to the present and make it current. Now is all we have and “subby don’t know squa-doushe about time or size”.  Do it now! Do it now!

  • How much fun I am having now!
  • How fun it is changing the world!
  • How fun it is being my whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, happy, and harmonious self!
  • How fun it is being a co-creator with the universe!

How fun is this game!

“It’s a game! A game of alignment!”  Here’s a cool Abraham-Hicks speech set to music by SasM!X: